PowerShell 技能连载 - SpeculationControl:使用 PowerShell 检查风险

微软几年前发布了一个模块(最近 3 周更新),您可以使用该模块来检测您的硬件是否容易受到 Spectre 和 Meltdown 威胁的攻击。要尝试这个功能,请从 PowerShell Gallery 安装该模块:

Install-Module -Name SpeculationControl -Scope CurrentUser


PS> Get-SpeculationControlSettings


For more information about the output below, please refer to https://support.microsoft.com/help/4074629

Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection]

Hardware support for branch target injection mitigation is present: True
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is present: True
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is enabled: True

Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load]

Hardware is vulnerable to rogue data cache load: False

Hardware requires kernel VA shadowing: False

Speculation control settings for CVE-2018-3639 [speculative store bypass]

Hardware is vulnerable to speculative store bypass: True
Hardware support for speculative store bypass disable is present: True
Windows OS support for speculative store bypass disable is present: True
Windows OS support for speculative store bypass disable is enabled system-wide: False

Speculation control settings for CVE-2018-3620 [L1 terminal fault]

Hardware is vulnerable to L1 terminal fault: False

Speculation control settings for MDS [microarchitectural data sampling]

Windows OS support for MDS mitigation is present: True
Hardware is vulnerable to MDS: False

Speculation control settings for SBDR [shared buffers data read]

Windows OS support for SBDR mitigation is present: True
Hardware is vulnerable to SBDR: True
Windows OS support for SBDR mitigation is enabled: False

Speculation control settings for FBSDP [fill buffer stale data propagator]

Windows OS support for FBSDP mitigation is present: True
Hardware is vulnerable to FBSDP: True
Windows OS support for FBSDP mitigation is enabled: False

Speculation control settings for PSDP [primary stale data propagator]

Windows OS support for PSDP mitigation is present: True
Hardware is vulnerable to PSDP: True
Windows OS support for PSDP mitigation is enabled: False

Suggested actions

* Follow the guidance for enabling Windows Client support for speculation control
mitigations described in https://support.microsoft.com/help/4073119

BTIHardwarePresent                  : True
BTIWindowsSupportPresent            : True
BTIWindowsSupportEnabled            : True
BTIDisabledBySystemPolicy           : False
BTIDisabledByNoHardwareSupport      : False
BTIKernelRetpolineEnabled           : False
BTIKernelImportOptimizationEnabled  : True
RdclHardwareProtectedReported       : True
RdclHardwareProtected               : True
KVAShadowRequired                   : False
KVAShadowWindowsSupportPresent      : True
KVAShadowWindowsSupportEnabled      : False
KVAShadowPcidEnabled                : False
SSBDWindowsSupportPresent           : True
SSBDHardwareVulnerable              : True
SSBDHardwarePresent                 : True
SSBDWindowsSupportEnabledSystemWide : False
L1TFHardwareVulnerable              : False
L1TFWindowsSupportPresent           : True
L1TFWindowsSupportEnabled           : False
L1TFInvalidPteBit                   : 0
L1DFlushSupported                   : True
HvL1tfStatusAvailable               : True
HvL1tfProcessorNotAffected          : True
MDSWindowsSupportPresent            : True
MDSHardwareVulnerable               : False
MDSWindowsSupportEnabled            : False
FBClearWindowsSupportPresent        : True
SBDRSSDPHardwareVulnerable          : True
FBSDPHardwareVulnerable             : True
PSDPHardwareVulnerable              : True
FBClearWindowsSupportEnabled        : False


PowerShell 技能连载 - SpeculationControl:使用 PowerShell 检查风险








