If you own Administrator privileges, you can even change this setting. To turn off automatic reset booting, run this: 如果您拥有管理员特权,甚至可以更改此设置。要关闭自动重置启动,请运行以下命令:
Set-CimInstance-Query'Select * From Win32_ComputerSystem'-Property@{AutomaticResetBootOption=$false}
classValidatePathExistsAttribute : System.Management.Automation.ValidateArgumentsAttribute { # the value to be checked surfaces in $path and must be of type [object] [void]Validate([object]$path, [System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics) { # if anything is wrong with the value, throw an exception if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path)) { Throw [System.ArgumentNullException]::new() } if(-not (Test-Path-Path$path)) { Throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new() }
# if NO exception was thrown, the value is accepted } } #endregion
# get all WMI instances Get-WmiObject-Class CIM_LogicalDevice | # display propertes Select-Object-Property __Class, Name, Description, __Path | # let user select some Out-GridView-Title'Select one or more (hold CTRL)'-PassThru | # retrieve the full selected instance by path ForEach-Object { [wmi]$_.__Path | Select-Object * | Out-Default }
SettingID --------- 640 x 480 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 640 x 480 x 4294967296 colors @67 Hertz 640 x 480 x 4294967296 colors @72 Hertz 640 x 480 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 720 x 400 x 4294967296 colors @70 Hertz 720 x 480 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 720 x 576 x 4294967296 colors @50 Hertz (Interlaced) 800 x 600 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 800 x 600 x 4294967296 colors @72 Hertz 800 x 600 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 832 x 624 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors @70 Hertz 1024 x 768 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 1152 x 864 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 1152 x 870 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 1280 x 720 x 4294967296 colors @50 Hertz (Interlaced) 1280 x 720 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1280 x 800 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 colors @75 Hertz 1440 x 900 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1600 x 900 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors @24 Hertz (Interlaced) 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors @25 Hertz (Interlaced) 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors @30 Hertz (Interlaced) 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors @50 Hertz (Interlaced) 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 1920 x 1440 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 2048 x 1152 x 4294967296 colors @60 Hertz 3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @24 Hertz (Interlaced) 3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @25 Hertz (Interlaced) 3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @30 Hertz (Interlaced) 4096 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @24 Hertz (Interlaced) 4096 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @25 Hertz (Interlaced) 4096 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors @30 Hertz (Interlaced)