PowerShell Technology Interactive Community Growth Status (March 2024)
By March 2025, the number of “PowerShell Technology interaction” community has reached 1,964 people, very close to the maximum capacity of the community (2,000 people), and maintain the position of PowerShell largest Chinese community. According to Tencent’s social platform strategy, the maximum number of people in the community is 2,000, and we will keep the opportunity to provide active users as much as possible.
至 2025 年 3 月,“PowerShell 技术互动”社区人数已达到 1949 人,十分接近社区最大容量(2000 人),保持 PowerShell 最大中文社区的位置。根据腾讯社交平台的策略,社区人数的上限为 2000 人,我们会尽可能保留机会给活跃用户。
If you encounter technical problems with PowerShell, or have good resources to share, please join us. QQ group number: 271143343.
如您遇到 PowerShell 方面的技术问题,或有好的资源希望分享,请加入我们。QQ 群号:271143343。
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或者用手机 QQ 扫描二维码: