PowerShell 技能连载 - 从 DN 中获得 Domain

“DN” 指的是是 Active Directory 对象的路径,看起来大概如下:


要获取 DN 中的域部分,请使用如下代码:

$DN = 'CN=Tobias,OU=Authors,DC=powershell,DC=local'
$pattern = '(?i)DC=\w{1,}?\b'

([RegEx]::Matches($DN, $pattern) | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }) -join ','

这段代码用一个正则表达式来查找 DN 的所有 DC= 部分然后将它们用逗号分隔符连接起来。



PowerShell 技能连载 - 将二进制 SID 转换为 SID 字符串

Active Directory 账户有一个二进制形式存储的 SID。要将字节数组转换为字符串的表达形式,可以用如下的 .NET 函数:

# get current user
$searcher = [ADSISearcher]"(&(objectClass=User)(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$env:username))"
$user = $searcher.FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry()

# get binary SID from AD account
$binarySID = $user.ObjectSid.Value

# convert to string SID
$stringSID = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($binarySID,0)).Value


在这个例子中,一个 ADSI 搜索器获取当前的用户账户(返回当前登录到一个域中的用户)。然后,将二进制的 SID 转换为 SID 字符串。

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PowerShell 技能连载 - 查找当前的脚本文件夹

从 PowerShell 3.0 开始,有一个很简单的办法来确定一个脚本所在的文件夹:$PSScriptRoot。这个变量总是保存了指定脚本所存放的文件夹路径。

通过这种方法,可以很方便地加载额外的资源,比如说其它脚本。以下代码将读取位于同一个文件夹中,一个名为 myFunctions.ps1 的脚本文件:



PowerShell 技能连载 - 获取 Active Directory 账户信息

在上一段脚本中,您应该已经发现了可以多么轻易地用几行 PowerShell 代码来获取 Active Directory 账户。它的结果是一个搜索结果对象,而不是实际的账户对象。

要获取一个账户的更详细信息,请使用 GetDirectoryEntry() 将搜索结果转换为一个实际的账户对象:

# get 10 results max
$searcher.SizeLimit = 10

# find account location
$searcher.FindAll() |
  # get account object
  ForEach-Object { $_.GetDirectoryEntry() } |
  # display all properties
  Select-Object -Property * |
  # display in a grid view window (ISE needs to be installed for this step)

PowerShell 技能连载 - 查找 Active Directory 用户账号

有很多用于 Active Directory 的 Module 和 Cmdlet,但是有些时候用 .NET 代码来做反而更方便快捷。

比如说,如果您只是想知道,某个用户是否存在于您的 Active Directory中,那么实现查找一个用户是很容易的:

# sending LDAP query to Active Directory
$searcher = [ADSISearcher]'(&(objectClass=User)(objectCategory=person)(SamAccountName=tobias*))'
# finding first match
# finding ALL matches

这段代码将查找所有 SamAccountName 以 “tobias” 开头的用户账号。您可以接着用这个方法来便捷地找出这个用户所在的位置:

# find account location
$searcher.FindAll() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path

PowerShell 多行输入对话框、打开文件对话框、文件夹浏览对话框、输入框及消息框

我热爱 PowerShell,当我需要提示用户输入时,我常常更喜欢使用 GUI 控件,而不是让他们什么都往控制台里输入有些东西比如说浏览文件或文件夹,或输入多行文本,不是很方便直接往 PowerShell 的命令行窗口中输入。所以我想我可以分享一些我常常用于这些场景的 PowerShell 脚本。



# Show message box popup and return the button clicked by the user.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
function Read-MessageBoxDialog([string]$Message, [string]$WindowTitle, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]$Buttons = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK, [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]$Icon = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::None)
    return [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $WindowTitle, $Buttons, $Icon)


# Show input box popup and return the value entered by the user.
function Read-InputBoxDialog([string]$Message, [string]$WindowTitle, [string]$DefaultText)
    Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
    return [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($Message, $WindowTitle, $DefaultText)


# Show an Open File Dialog and return the file selected by the user.
function Read-OpenFileDialog([string]$WindowTitle, [string]$InitialDirectory, [string]$Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*", [switch]$AllowMultiSelect)
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $openFileDialog.Title = $WindowTitle
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InitialDirectory)) { $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $InitialDirectory }
    $openFileDialog.Filter = $Filter
    if ($AllowMultiSelect) { $openFileDialog.MultiSelect = $true }
    $openFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true    # Without this line the ShowDialog() function may hang depending on system configuration and running from console vs. ISE.
    $openFileDialog.ShowDialog() > $null
    if ($AllowMultiSelect) { return $openFileDialog.Filenames } else { return $openFileDialog.Filename }

提示输入一个文件夹(使用 System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog 有可能会导致执行时挂起,要看系统配置以及从控制台运行还是从 PowerShell ISE中运行):

# Show an Open Folder Dialog and return the directory selected by the user.
function Read-FolderBrowserDialog([string]$Message, [string]$InitialDirectory)
    $app = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    $folder = $app.BrowseForFolder(0, $Message, 0, $InitialDirectory)
    if ($folder) { return $folder.Self.Path } else { return '' }

提示用户输入多行文本(基于TechNet 这篇文章中的代码):

function Read-MultiLineInputBoxDialog([string]$Message, [string]$WindowTitle, [string]$DefaultText)
    Prompts the user with a multi-line input box and returns the text they enter, or null if they cancelled the prompt.

    Prompts the user with a multi-line input box and returns the text they enter, or null if they cancelled the prompt.

    .PARAMETER Message
    The message to display to the user explaining what text we are asking them to enter.

    .PARAMETER WindowTitle
    The text to display on the prompt window's title.

    .PARAMETER DefaultText
    The default text to show in the input box.

    $userText = Read-MultiLineInputDialog "Input some text please:" "Get User's Input"

    Shows how to create a simple prompt to get mutli-line input from a user.

    # Setup the default multi-line address to fill the input box with.
    $defaultAddress = @'
    John Doe
    123 St.
    Some Town, SK, Canada
    A1B 2C3

    $address = Read-MultiLineInputDialog "Please enter your full address, including name, street, city, and postal code:" "Get User's Address" $defaultAddress
    if ($address -eq $null)
        Write-Error "You pressed the Cancel button on the multi-line input box."

    Prompts the user for their address and stores it in a variable, pre-filling the input box with a default multi-line address.
    If the user pressed the Cancel button an error is written to the console.

    $inputText = Read-MultiLineInputDialog -Message "If you have a really long message you can break it apart`nover two lines with the powershell newline character:" -WindowTitle "Window Title" -DefaultText "Default text for the input box."

    Shows how to break the second parameter (Message) up onto two lines using the powershell newline character (`n).
    If you break the message up into more than two lines the extra lines will be hidden behind or show ontop of the TextBox.

    Name: Show-MultiLineInputDialog
    Author: Daniel Schroeder (originally based on the code shown at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730941.aspx)
    Version: 1.0
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    # Create the Label.
    $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10)
    $label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $label.AutoSize = $true
    $label.Text = $Message

    # Create the TextBox used to capture the user's text.
    $textBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $textBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
    $textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(575,200)
    $textBox.AcceptsReturn = $true
    $textBox.AcceptsTab = $false
    $textBox.Multiline = $true
    $textBox.ScrollBars = 'Both'
    $textBox.Text = $DefaultText

    # Create the OK button.
    $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $okButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(510,250)
    $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,25)
    $okButton.Text = "OK"
    $okButton.Add_Click({ $form.Tag = $textBox.Text; $form.Close() })

    # Create the Cancel button.
    $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $cancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(415,250)
    $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,25)
    $cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $cancelButton.Add_Click({ $form.Tag = $null; $form.Close() })

    # Create the form.
    $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.Text = $WindowTitle
    $form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(610,320)
    $form.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedSingle'
    $form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $form.AutoSizeMode = 'GrowAndShrink'
    $form.Topmost = $True
    $form.AcceptButton = $okButton
    $form.CancelButton = $cancelButton
    $form.ShowInTaskbar = $true

    # Add all of the controls to the form.

    # Initialize and show the form.
    $form.ShowDialog() > $null   # Trash the text of the button that was clicked.

    # Return the text that the user entered.
    return $form.Tag

所有的这些,除了多行输入框以外,都是直接使用了现有的 Windows Form 或 Visual Basic 控件。以下是我的多行输入框显示的模样:

Multi-line input box

我曾经使用动词 Get 作为函数的前缀,然后改成了动词 Show,但是读完整篇文章以后,我觉得使用动词 Read 也许是最合适的(而且它和 Read-Host Cmdlet的形式相匹配)。


Happy coding!

将 Windows 8.1 的命令提示符替换为 PowerShell

在 Windows 8.1 中,增加了一个“将 WIN+X 菜单中将命令提示符替换为 Windows PowerShell”功能,您注意到了吗?

打开这个选项的方法是:右键单击 Windows 任务栏,选择“属性”。在“导航”选项卡中,您可以找到这个功能。

PowerShell 技能连载 - 在 ISE 中重设 PowerShell 宿主

想象一下您在 ISE 编辑器中长时间地编写一个脚本。当您开发的时候,您也许定义了变量、创建了函数、加载了对象,等等。


获得一个干净的 PowerShell 并且移除所有变量和函数的最简单办法如下:

在 ISE 编辑器中,选择 文件 > 新建 PowerShell 选项卡。这实际上将创建一个新的 PowerShell 选项卡,以及一个全新的 PowerShell 宿主。这将确保没有任何不希望存在的旧变量和函数存在。

PowerShell 技能连载 - 查找 Cmdlet

Get-Command 可以用来查找 Cmdlet,但是在 PowerShell 3.0 中,它往往会返回比想象中还要多的 Cmdlet。由于自动加载模块的原因,Get-Command 不仅返回当前已加载 Module 中的 Cmdlet,还会返回所有可用 Module 中的 Cmdlet。

如果您仅希望在当前已加载的 Module 中查找一个 Cmdlet,请使用新的 -ListImported 参数:

PS> Get-Command -Verb Get | Measure-Object
Count    : 422

PS> Get-Command -Verb Get -ListImported | Measure-Object
Count    : 174